Abstract Submission Guidelines
Submission Instructions :
  1. Word limit – 500 words (3780 characters including spaces) or less for abstracts that are text only. One figure or 1 table can be included.
  2. All abstracts should be submitted on the online portal no later than 11:59 pm on September 30, 2024.
  3. Abstracts over the word limit will be rejected.
  4. The best 5 abstracts will be invited for oral presentation and the confirmation for the same will be intimated via email by October 10, 2024.
  5. Best Oral and Poster presentations will be awarded.
  6. Authors may submit 1 or more abstracts for consideration for presentation at the meeting. All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee.
  7. The top abstracts will be selected for oral presentation in the following formats:
  8. Oral presentations will be given during the Scientific Session. The time of the session will be intimated to all participants. Each presenter will be given 5 minutes for their presentation, followed by 2 minutes for questions. (In order to be eligible for acceptance, you must have an author who will be available to present during the assigned session).
  9. Your Abstract should adhere to the following format:
    • Title:
    • Background/Objective:
    • Methods:
    • Results:
    • Conclusions:
    Instructions for Poster Presentation-
  1. Shortlisted Abstracts will be invited for Poster Presentation.
  2. Each Poster will be allocated a Poster Number by the organizers, which will be communicated to the participants by email.
  3. The size of the poster will be 5 ft. Height x 3 ft. Width. The posters will be placed vertically on the octanorm panel boards.
  4. Present numerical data in the form of graphs rather than tables (graphs make trends in the data much more evident). If data must be presented in table form, keep it simple.
  5. Visuals should be simple and bold.
  6. Avoid acronyms and extensive mathematical notations as much as possible.
  7. Organize your poster into subdivisions, e.g., Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and Literature cited (avoid using too many citations)
  8. Use bright colors to enhance the detail
  9. The text should be readable from five feet distance
    Judging Criteria
  1. The judgment will be done by a Board of Jury
  2. When the competition is being conducted, each participant should be ready in front of his/her poster to answer all questions from the judges
  3. The judges will come to shortlist and review the poster during the conference
  4. The time for judges visits for poster evaluation will be informed to all the poster presenters via email/SMS 1 week prior.
  5. Apart from the judging time, you may also be present at the poster to share your research with interested delegates
  6. The judge's decision will be final and no clarification will be given
If there is an error on the page then you can email the abstract to rrcg.rekhavlk@gmail.com